Years ago, the VO.X Project was launched in the UK as a small independent non-denominational Christian music venture meant to operate along the lines of the biblical vox-clamantis-in-deserto principle, by serving as a musical voice of pure conscience calling in the current-day wilderness.
Today, as a US-based team, we still feel inspired to remind us all about forgotten or distorted Gospel truths through simple but meaningful songs.
We are Jesus-loving and Bible-believing songwriters and music producers: we try to follow God’s guidance and use our sincere and straightforward audio tracks to share what we feel, learn, understand and experience, hoping to support, counsel and admonish the relevant audience (no matter the size) with our musical work. [Colossians 3:16, New Testament]
Since our project’s name also implies ongoing work (VO.X > Volume X, a still untitled/unknown unit in a large catalogue), we aim to keep on keeping on.